Thursday, May 2, 2024

novembre 2016 - Université Frère Mentouri - Constantine 1

Des grandes entreprises, dans le domaine informatique, des développeurs de plates-formes numériques, ainsi que d'autres intervenants, ont décidé de soutenir, pas moins de 4.000 nouvelles entreprises, dans les TIC.Un soutien qui s'est traduit par le lancement, hier, du premier évènement appelé ‘ONE-TIC 2016' qui a pour objectif d'orientation des nouvelles entreprises vers les TICS.

Les entreprises ‘EGC Informatique' et ‘Alphorm' organisatrices de l'évènement, parrainé par la ministre des MPTIC, Houda Imane Feraoun, comptent offrir, gratuitement, avec le soutien des entreprises contributrices «4.000 Packages Managements» à 4.000 jeunes entreprises, pour promouvoir les Technologies de l'information et de la communication.

Le ‘package management' comprend un ensemble de logiciels et d'outils modernes de gestion, permettant la couverture totale des besoins d'une entreprise. Ces solutions sont conçues non seulement, pour répondre aux besoins opérationnels des entreprises, de toute taille et de tout secteur d'activité, mais aussi pour les aider à mieux fonctionner.

Le package aidera les entreprises à lutter contre la complexité, à générer de nouvelles opportunités d'innovation et de croissance, et à renforcer la compétitivité. Les initiateurs de cet évènement ont précisé, hier, lors d'une conférence de presse, que ce ‘pack de management' d'une valeur de 2.000.000 de DA, sera offert, gratuitement, aux 4.000 premières entreprises inscrites sur le site Les entreprises concernées sont des entreprises ayant moins de 3 ans d'âge. L'enjeu est de les orienter vers les nouvelles technologies de l'information pour améliorer leur productivité et contribuer à la relance de l'Economie algérienne.

Le représentant du centre de Recherche sur l'information scientifique et technique (CERIST), Amine Bouaid, a affirmé que ‘ONE-TIC' est une très bonne initiative pour les entreprises qui veulent augmenter leur productivité, leur efficacité et leur marge de profit. Et ce, précise-t-il, afin de rester compétitives et s'inscriront dans la perspective du numérique par l'avènement de l'e-paiement et de la 4G. Il a affirmé que le ‘CERIST' contribuera, efficacement, dans cette opération, en accélérant l'hébergement des 4.000 nouvelles entreprises dans le

Les initiateurs de ‘ONE–TIC' ont exprimé leur satisfaction quant à la contribution de différents partis, dans cet évènement. GISCO, Emploi Tic, CERIST, VEGORE, Dz Tenders, ALC, pour composer un Pack, le FCE, l'ANSEJ et la Chambre nationale des commissaires aux Comptes par le biais de son conseil national. Ces contributeurs vont offrir gratuitement, 178 formations en ligne, des hébergements de sites Web, des plates-formes numériques des marchés publics, des formations ‘Anglais Business'. Ils vont mettre à la disposition de ces entreprises en TIC, des systèmes de gestion intégrée ainsi que d'autres services, si nécessaires pour l'épanouissement des nouvelles entreprises. Les organisateurs de l'évènement ont précisé que les 4.000 premières entreprises inscrites sur le site auront le ‘package managements', le 13 et 14 décembre 2016, au Palais de la Culture ‘Moufdi Zakaria'.

Published in La Revue de Presse
dimanche, 27 novembre 2016 09:44

L’assurance qualité dans les universités

L’assurance qualité dans les universités constitue désormais une priorité des politiques nationales d’enseignement supérieur. La massification, la diversité des formations, l’élargissement des missions et l’employabilité des diplômés sont les grands défis à réaliser par les universités algériennes, rendant nécessaire la mise en œuvre de nouvelles politiques de gouvernance de nos établissements universitaires. Les efforts que notre pays déploie pour relever ces défis, doivent être accompagnés par une dynamique intégrant des dispositifs, ayant pour objectifs le maintien et l’amélioration de la qualité de l’enseignement supérieur, de soutenir l’innovation et notamment par une mise en place de procédures d’évaluations interne dans un premier temps. Dans cet objectif, l’Université Frères Mentouri a organisé, hier samedi,  une journée d’étude totalement consacrée à l’assurance qualité dans l’enseignement supérieur. Elle a permis de contribuer à l’approfondissement de la compréhension, la connaissance des pratiques d’assurance qualité et à l’étude des possibilités de l’amélioration continue des différentes structures des établissements de l’enseignement supérieur en s’appuyant, est-il précisé,  sur le référentiel national d’assurance qualité (RNAQES) qui a été adopté lors de la conférence nationale des chefs des établissements au ministère de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche scientifique les 08-09 octobre 2016.  

Cette journée d’étude est organisée en une session plénière s’articulant autour de trois thèmes:

 Le premier thème consiste à la présentation et à la lecture du référentiel national ;

Le deuxième thème est dédié à l’autoévaluation ou l’évaluation interne : les techniques, le rapport,  le but et l’impact de l’autoévaluation ;

Le troisième thème est destiné à l’élaboration d’un programme de mise en œuvre, sur l’appropriation et l’adoption du référentiel national. 

Il est aussi question de définir le périmètre et les domaines du RNAQES concernés par ce programme au niveau des différentes structures de l’université ;

Lors de cette journée, une restitution des travaux déjà entrepris dans ce cadre sera présentée, notamment ceux de la faculté des sciences de la nature et de la vie et ceux de l’institut des sciences vétérinaire.


Published in La Revue de Presse

Science and You devient les Journées internationales de la culture scientifique


L'appel de propositions pour les panels de discussion est ouvert jusqu'au 1er décembre 2016!
D’une durée maximale de 1 h 30, les panels de discussion seront conçus avec un minimum de 30 min d’échanges avec la salle.
20 panels seront présentés lors des journées. Les membres du comité organisateur ont déjà identifié 10 thématiques de panel. Ce sont les 10 panels restants qui font l’objet d'un appel de propositions. 
Soumettre une proposition en ligne (uniquement)
Date limite de soumission des propositions : jeudi 1er décembre 2016 à 23 h 59.
Critères d’admissibilité :
• Comprendre un chercheur, un professionnel du milieu de la culture scientifique ou entrepreneuriale
• Comprendre au moins une personne résidant au Canada et une personne hors du Canada
• Tendre vers une parité
• Répondre à la thématique générale des journées
• Être soumis avant le 1er décembre 2016, 23 h 59
Organiser un panel : 
L'organisateur du panel a en charge de proposer une thématique, repérer et contacter les panélistes ainsi que de coordonner le panel. Le panel devra aborder la thématique centrale de l’événement.  Les panels étant d’une durée de 1 h 30, il est recommandé de faire intervenir 3 à 4 panélistes et de prévoir un minimum de 30 minutes d’échange avec la salle.
Il est possible de faire une proposition avec des intervenants pressentis. Attention, le comité scientifique fera son choix sur la base des renseignements fournis dans le dossier de soumission.

Thématiques :
Le comité organisateur a déjà identifié 10 thématiques de panel. Tous les acteurs de la culture scientifique sont invités à proposer une thématique libre ou proche de celles proposées par le comité organisateur. Toutes les candidatures seront évaluées par le comité scientifique qui fera un choix de 10 panels au regard de l'ensemble des thématiques proposées pour les panels de discussion.
Les 10 thématiques de panel déjà identifiées par les membres du comité organisateur sont les suivantes :

  • Jeunes, culture scientifique et centre de sciences
  • Gouvernements et culture scientifique
  • Populations éloignées
  • Littératie scientifique
  • Engagement du chercheur et données ouvertes
  • Éducation aux médias
  • Tiers lieux : fablab, living lab
  • Implication citoyenne
  • Femmes, science et communication scientifique
  • Institutions médiatiques et virage numérique

Diffusion :
Les informations recueillies dans le formulaire serviront de base de travail pour la consultation, le choix du comité scientifique et tous les outils de communication relatifs à la promotion des Journées internationales de la culture scientifique - Science and You. Ce formulaire est modifiable après l'envoi. Une copie de vos réponses vous sera envoyée à l'adresse courriel inscrite sur la première page du document uniquement. En acceptant de remplir le formulaire vous acceptez de diffuser les informations qui y figurent.

Inscription offerte :
Les organisateurs de panel bénéficieront d’une inscription gratuite aux Journées internationales de culture scientifique – Science and You. Les autres panélistes devront payer les frais d'inscriptions aux journées.
Déplacements :
Aucun frais de déplacement ou d’hébergement ne sera pris en charge. Tous ces frais sont à la charge des panélistes et de l'organisateur.

Préambule Le référentiel national?

L’auto-évaluation : quoi, comment, pourquoi ?

Le processus d’auto-évaluation.

Un plan pour la généralisation de l’auto-évaluation.

Pour plus d'informations 

L'Assurance Qualité De la théorie à la pratique par l’autoévaluation

Published in Assurance Qualité

Organisée par l’Université Frères Mentouri, Constantine 1.

Le Samedi 26 novembre 2016.

L’assurance qualité dans les universités constitue désormais une priorité des politiques nationales d’enseignement supérieur. La massification, la diversité des formations, l’élargissement des missions et l’employabilité des diplômés sont les grands défis à réaliser par les universités algériennes, rendant nécessaire la mise en œuvre de nouvelles politiques de gouvernance de nos établissements universitaires. Les efforts que notre pays déploie pour relever ces défis, doivent être accompagné par une dynamique intégrant des dispositifs, ayant pour objectifs le maintien et l’amélioration de la qualité de l’enseignement supérieur, de soutenir l’innovation et notamment par une mise en place de procédures d’évaluations interne dans un premier temps.

Dans cet objectif, l’Université Frères Mentouri organise une journée d’étude qui sera totalement consacrée à l’assurance qualité dans l’enseignement supérieur. Elle permettra de contribuer à l’approfondissement de la compréhension, la connaissance des pratiques d'assurance qualité et à l'étude des possibilités de l’amélioration continue des différentes structures des établissements de l’enseignement supérieur en s’appuyant sur le référentiel national d’assurance qualité (RNAQES) qui a été adopté lors de la conférence nationale des chefs des établissements au ministère de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche scientifique du 08-09 octobre 2016.  

Cette journée d'étude sera organisée en une session plénière et s’articulera autour de trois thèmes:

-       Le premier thème consiste à la présentation et à la lecture du référentiel national ;

-       Le deuxième thème est dédié à l’autoévaluation ou l’évaluation interne : les techniques, le rapport,  le but et l’impact de l’autoévaluation ;

-    Le troisième thème est destiné à l’élaboration d’un programme de mise en œuvre, sur l’appropriation et l’adoption du référentiel national. Il est aussi question de définir le périmètre et les domaines du RNAQES concernés par ce programme au niveau des différentes structures de l’université ;

Lors de cette journée, une restitution des travaux déjà entrepris dans ce cadre sera présentée, notamment ceux de la faculté des sciences de la nature et de la vie et ceux de l’institut des sciences vétérinaire.

Sont invités à cette journée :

-       Les Doyen des facultés ;

-       Les Chefs de départements ;

-       Les Responsables pédagogiques des différents parcours de formation ;

-       Les Représentants de l’administration ;

-       Les Représentants des étudiants.

Programme de la demi-journée








Mot du Recteur



Lecture et Présentation du Référentiel national

H. Aissaoui


L'évaluation interne

N. Chabour


Programme de mise en œuvre (Plan d'action)

S. Boukebab


Retour d'expériences



Institut Vétérinaire

M. Kerrour


Faculté des Sciences de la Nature et de la Vie

S. Kabouche






En mai dernier, un travail de thèse de doctorat consacré à l’utilisation des plasmas dans la stérilisation, mené à l’université Frères Mentouri de Constantine, a été primé par le Forum des chefs d’entreprise (FCE) en recevant le premier prix de la meilleure thèse de doctorat ayant un impact/intérêt avéré pour le monde socioéconomique national.

«Des travaux s’intéressant au développement de sources plasmas en vue de leur utilisation dans divers domaines des biotechnologies en général et du biomédical en particulier sont également menés dans cette université et mettent en exergue les compétences de spécialistes en technologie des plasmas et en électronique et celles de spécialistes en biologie», a-t-on appris auprès du recteur, le Pr Abdelhamid Djekoun.

En Algérie, des travaux de recherche en plasma médical commencent à peine à voir le jour. Mais les perspectives pourraient être prometteuses, puisque les compétences existent pour peu qu’elles soient soutenues. «Pour que ces travaux gagnent en importance, en maturité et en efficacité, il est impératif que des acteurs scientifiques du monde médical s’y impliquent sereinement et que la tutelle, les pouvoirs publics et le monde socioéconomique national accompagnent et appuient les équipes qui y travaillent, et ce, pour le développement en Algérie de cette nouvelle et prometteuse thématique qui, sans doute, est amenée, dans un futur très proche, à révolutionner certaines pratiques médicales», précise notre interlocuteur.

En sciences physiques, «le mot plasma désigne un gaz partiellement ionisé, globalement neutre du point de vue électrique et composé d’électrons, d’ions, de fragments moléculaires, de radicaux, d’atomes et molécules excités et neutres, tout en émettant souvent des radiations UV et visibles». Les chercheurs précisent : «Les plasmas de laboratoires sont le plus souvent créés par des excitations électriques et suivant leur degré d’ionisation, on les classifie en plasmas thermiques (degré d’ionisation élevé et sont source de chaleur importante), et plasmas froids (degré d’ionisation faible et leur température reste proche de celle de l’ambiante).»

Le terme plasma n’est pas inconnu du grand public. Qui n’a entendu parler de l’écran plasma ? Ce vocable a été vulgarisé «au début des années 2000 à travers la commercialisation des premiers téléviseurs à écran plasma. Les plasmas électriques sont en réalité utilisés depuis plusieurs décennies dans divers domaines technologiques de pointe, tels que la microélectronique, l’optique et la métallurgie», nous-a-t-on rappelé.

A contrario, dans le domaine médical, «les plasmas thermiques sont utilisés depuis longtemps dans l’électro-cautérisation et comme bistouri électrique». Mais ce procédé peut induire des contraintes, selon les spécialistes : «Les hautes températures que génère ce type de plasma constitue un handicap pour leur trouver d’autres applications dans ce domaine. Très récemment, un intérêt particulier s’est porté sur l’utilisation des plasmas froids dans le monde de la santé.

Créés dans l’air atmosphérique ou dans certains gaz appropriés, de tels plasmas recèlent de multiples espèces chargées (électrons et ions) et/ou hautement réactives qui réagissent avec certains constituants des cellules biologiques, amenant à leur désactivation et/ou leur destruction en des temps très courts et à des températures proches de l’ambiante, sans aucun apport de produits chimiques», a indiqué le Pr Djekoun. Durant cette dernière décennie, d’intenses activités de recherche ont été menées dans ce contexte.

Résultat, il y a eu l’émergence d’une nouvelle thématique de recherche scientifique appelée «plasma médecine» qui englobe les travaux de recherches entrepris sur les procédés plasmas destinés à la stérilisation et sur ceux destinés à la thérapie médicale. En parallèle à ces travaux, les publications scientifiques spécialisées et dédiées entièrement à cette nouvelle thématique ont vu le jour. Leur corollaire, les rencontres internationales ainsi que des workshops qui lui sont partiellement ou complètement consacrés ont lieu annuellement en Europe, aux Etats-Unis ou encore en Asie.


Dans le domaine de la stérilisation, «les plasmas froids devraient permettre a priori la destruction de tout micro-organisme vivant, tel que les bactéries et les prions, tout en présentant plusieurs avantages en comparaison avec les procédés de stérilisation traditionnelles faisant appel aux solutions chimiques hautement toxiques, aux hautes températures ou aux radiations ionisantes dangereuses pour le manipulateur.

En effet, les plasmas froids sont compatibles avec la plupart des matériaux entrant dans la fabrication d’instruments et de dispositifs médicaux (notamment les dispositifs à base de matériaux thermosensibles), ils ne présentent pas de dangers particuliers pour le manipulateur et n’utilisent et ne rejettent quasiment pas de produits chimiques dans l’atmosphère, les rendant respectueux et ami de l’environnement».

«En thérapie médicale, la plupart des travaux de recherche menés sur l’utilisation des plasmas froids concernent la détermination de leurs potentialités curatives en cancérologie, en hématologie et en odontologie ou dentisterie. De nombreux travaux de recherche sont actuellement menés dans les plus prestigieuses universités pour le développement de nouvelles sources de plasmas froids plus adaptées aux applications dans ces spécialités de la médecine», a expliqué le premier responsable de l’université.

Et d’insister sur l’implication dans ses recherches de haute volée de la tutelle, des pouvoirs publics et du secteur économique : «Pour que ces recherches aboutissent à des résultats, voire applications probantes, la tutelle, les communautés scientifique et médicale ainsi que les pouvoirs publics et économiques sont appelés à s’y impliquer sereinement et à appuyer les équipes de recherche pour que cette nouvelle thématique, à moyen terme, puisse révolutionner certains procédés dans le monde médical.»

Naima Djekhar
Published in La Revue de Presse
mardi, 22 novembre 2016 14:30

Is science only for the rich?

Around the world, poverty and social background remain huge barriers in scientific careers.


Article tools


Last year, Christina Quasney was close to giving up. A biochemistry major at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Quasney's background was anything but privileged. Her father runs a small car-repair shop in the tiny community of Millersville, Maryland, and she was the first person in her immediate family to attend university. At the age of 25, she had already spent years struggling to make time both for her classes and the jobs she took to pay for them, yet was still far from finishing her degree. “I started to feel like it was time to stop fighting this losing battle and move on with my life,” she says.

Nature special:Inequality in science

Quasney's frustrations will sound familiar to millions of students around the world. Researchers like to think that nothing matters in science except the quality of people's work. But the reality is that wealth and background matter a lot. Too few students from disadvantaged backgrounds make it into science, and those who do often find that they are ill-prepared owing to low-quality early education.

Few countries collect detailed data on socioeconomic status, but the available numbers consistently show that nations are wasting the talents of underprivileged youth who might otherwise be tackling challenges in health, energy, pollution, climate change and a host of other societal issues. And it's clear that the universal issue of class is far from universal in the way it plays out. Here, Nature looks at eight countries around the world, and their efforts to battle the many problems of class in science.

United States: How the classroom reflects class divide
China: Low pay powers brain drain
United Kingdom: The paths not taken
Japan: Deepening divisions
Brazil: Progressive policy pays off
India: Barriers of language and caste
Kenya: Easy access but limited prospects
Russia: Positive policy, poor productivity

UNITED STATES: How the classroom reflects class divide

By Jane J. Lee
Quasney is lucky by global standards. She lives in an exceedingly rich country that is brimming with educational opportunities and jobs. Yet for students who share her struggles to make ends meet, the US higher-education system can pose one obstacle after another.

“It starts in high school,” says Andrew Campbell, dean of the graduate school at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island. Government-supported early education is funded mainly at the state and local level, he notes, and because science courses are the most expensive per student, few schools in the relatively poor districts can afford to offer many of them. Students from these districts therefore end up being less prepared for university-level science than are their wealthier peers, many of whom attended well-appointed private schools.

That also puts the students at a disadvantage in the fiercely competitive applications process: only about 40% of high-school graduates in the lowest-income bracket enrolled in a university in 2013, versus about 68% of those born to families with the highest incomes.

The students who do get in then have to find a way to pay the increasingly steep cost of university. Between 2003 and 2013, undergraduate tuition, fees, room and board rose by an average of 34% at state-supported institutions, and by 25% at private institutions, after adjusting for inflation. The bill at a top university can easily surpass US$60,000 per year. Many students are at least partly supported by their parents, and can also take advantage of scholarships, grants and federal financial aid. Many, like Quasney, work part time.

Nonetheless, some 61% of US students earning bachelor's degrees graduate with some debt — US$26,900, on average. For those who go on to graduate programmes, tuition is usually paid for by a combination of grants and teaching positions. But if graduate students have to worry about repaying student loans, that can dissuade them from continuing with their scientific training.

Several initiatives are under way around the country to ease the way for science students from disadvantaged backgrounds, among them is the $14-million INCLUDES programme announced earlier this year by the US National Science Foundation. But for students such as Quasney, staying in science can still be a matter of luck.

One evening last year, she says, Michael Summers, a structural biologist at the university, happened to have dinner at the restaurant where she was hosting and waiting tables. That chance encounter led Quasney to join Summers' laboratory in January, and it was a revelation. Before, she had felt that some of her professors had forgotten what it was like to be a struggling student. Summers' lab is the exact opposite, she says. “There's no judgements and he doesn't discriminate.”

Her experiences have helped her to understand what she can expect when she applies to graduate school and pursues a career in research. “I'm gonna go for it,” she says. “Go big or go home.”

CHINA: Low pay powers brain drain

By David Cyranoski
It is no accident that China currently produces more science PhDs than any country in the world. To combat large-scale poverty, especially in the interior provinces, the communist government in Beijing is trying to make education equally available to everyone.

To help the poor, for example, Beijing sets tuition fees low and forbids raising them. Just 5,000 yuan (US$750) per year is enough for entry into premier institutions such as Tsinghua University in Beijing. And for those unable to come up with that sum, the country has national scholarship programmes, including tax-free loans and free admission.

Meanwhile, to help integrate China's 55 ethnic minorities, which are also often poor, most provinces give bonus points to minority students who take the Gaokao: a university entrance examination that is the most important threshold to pass on the way to an academic career. A quota system ensures that students from remote regions such as Xinjiang and Tibet are represented at elite schools. China even has 12 universities that are dedicated to minorities.

Beneath the surface, however, the reality of Chinese science often falls short of its egalitarian ideals. Children of senior government leaders and private business owners account for a disproportionate share of enrolment in the top universities. And students hesitate to take on the work-intensive career of a scientist when easier, and usually more lucrative, careers await them in business. According to Hepeng Jia, a journalist who writes about science-policy issues in China, this is especially true for good students from rich families.

“Chinese science often falls short of its egalitarian ideals.”

As a result, says Jia, scientists usually come from poorer families, get less support from home and work under a heavier financial burden. The situation is exacerbated by the low salaries, he says. The average across all scientific ranks is just 6,000 yuan per month, or about one-fifth of the salary of a newly hired US faculty member. Things are especially tough for postdoctoral researchers or junior-level researchers “who can hardly feed their families if working in bigger cities”, says Jia. This leads many scientists to use part of their grants for personal expenses. That forces them to make ends meet by applying for more grants, which requires them to get involved in many different projects and publish numerous papers, which in turn makes it hard to maintain the quality of their work.

Many Chinese researchers escape that trap by seeking positions overseas. Thousands of postdoctoral researchers will go abroad in 2016 with funding from the China Scholarship Council, and many more will find sponsors abroad to fund them. But China has also been able to lure some of the most prominent of these researchers back home. Cao Kai, a researcher at the Science and Technology Talent Center of the science ministry in Beijing, released a survey in April that found one such returning scientist was rewarded with a stunningly high annual salary of 800,000 yuan.

But that is not the norm, Kai says. It was just one extreme case he and his colleagues raised to convince “the government to raise the salary of professors at public universities”. That, he says, would go a long way to attracting and retaining talent in science, regardless of social background.

UNITED KINGDOM: The paths not taken

By Elizabeth Gibney
For the most part, science in the United Kingdom is egalitarian — for those who have already made it their career. A 2016 study found that, unlike in law or finance, researchers from lower-income backgrounds are paid no less than their more advantaged peers (D. Laurison and S. Friedman Am. Soc. Rev. 81, 668–695; 2016).

But getting into science is different. The same study found that only 15% of scientists come from working-class households, which comprise 35% of the general population (see 'Elite careers'). Another found that, over the past 25 years, 44% of UK-born Nobel-prizewinning scientists had gone to fee-paying schools, which educate 7% of the UK population (P. Kirby Leading People 2016 The Sutton Trust, 2016). “There's a class barrier to the professions,” says Katherine Mathieson, chief executive of the British Science Association, “but it's more extreme for science.”

Source: Laurison, D. & Friedman, S. Am. Soc. Rev. 81, 668–695 (2016)

One hurdle is aspirational. In an ongoing, 10-year study, a group from King's College London found that most English 10–14 year olds find science interesting. But those from working-class backgrounds rarely saw it as a career — perhaps because they seldom encountered people in science-related jobs (ASPIRES: Young People's Science and Career Aspirations, Age 10–14 King's College London, 2013).

To tackle this, the King's team is working with London schools on a pilot programme to show children aged 11 to 15 how science fits into everyday life — by examining the chemicals in food, for example — and how science skills are relevant in a range of jobs. Early results are promising, and the team plans to expand the programme next year.

“There's a class barrier to the professions, but it's more extreme for science.”

Another barrier could be that UK students who are interested in a science career often need to abandon other subjects at the age of 16. “People from lower-income backgrounds who are unaware of the range of possible science careers might see it as a high-risk gamble,” says Mathieson.

A third issue is the effect of a sudden trebling of annual university fees to £9,000 (US$12,000) in 2012. “I suspect that fees could be a massive deterrent to those who grow up in families that have to worry about the basic level of income,” says Mathieson.

The danger, she adds, is that a failure to represent all backgrounds will not only squander talent, but increasingly isolate science from society. That disconnect was apparent in the Brexit referendum in June, when more than half of the public voted to leave the European Union, compared with around one in ten researchers. “That diverging world view is a real problem,” says Mathieson, “both for the quality of research and for scientists' place in society.”

JAPAN: Deepening divisions

By David Cyranoski
In Japan, inequalities in wealth and status do not reach the extremes found in China and India. Nonetheless, graduate education and academic research have become less attractive options over the past decade, especially for the underprivileged. Some warn that this could make research a preserve of the wealthy — with grave social costs.“It is an emerging issue in Japan,” says Yuko Ito, who researches science policy at the Japan Science and Technology Agency in Tokyo, a major science funder.

A big part of the problem is the rise in tuition fees: even at the relatively inexpensive national universities, the ¥86,000 (US$840) in entrance and first-year tuition fees students paid in 1975 would make little dent in the ¥817,800 they've been paying since 2005. In addition, thanks to Japan's long economic contraction, parents are chipping in 19% less for living costs on average than they did a decade ago.

This leaves students increasingly dependent on 'scholarships' — which in Japan are mainly loans that need to be paid back. Half of all graduate students have taken out loans, and one-quarter owe more than ¥5 million. “Many students just can't come up with the tuition and living costs to become researchers,” says Koichi Sumikura, a professor of science policy at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies in Tokyo.

Even for those who make it through university on loans, jobs that would make the debt worthwhile are far from guaranteed. In their prime years, between the ages of 30 and 60, one-third of university graduates earns less than ¥3 million per year. “In these conditions,” says Ito, “one would hesitate to follow an academic career.”

The social divide in higher education already shows. A crucial step to becoming a researcher is to enter a powerful institution such as the University of Tokyo, where the average income of a student's family is twice the national average. “If this situation continues,” Ito says, “science will become something that only the rich will hold an interest in, and research will grow distant from solving current social problems.”

The government has taken stock of the issue. A government plan for 'investment in the future', announced on 2 August, promises to increase funding for scholarships that need not be repaid as well as to boost the availability of tax-free student loans.

But the government has yet to take up a more specific examination of the relationship between success as a researcher and economic factors, says Sumikura. “That will be an important topic in the future,” he says.

BRAZIL: Progressive policy pays off

By Jeff Tollefson
In Brazil, inequalities in wealth are extreme by almost every measure — including education. The government-run schools are so bad that they are avoided by all but the poorest families. As recently as 2014, just 57% of the country's 19-year-olds had completed high school.

And yet there are signs of progress, especially in science, technology, engineering and medicine. In 2011, for example, Brazil created Science Without Borders, a programme to send tens of thousands of high-achieving university and graduate students to study abroad. Because students from wealthier families have by far the best primary and secondary education, they might have been expected to dominate the selection process. But by the end of the first phase this year, more than half of the 73,353 participants had come from low-income families.

“These statistics really caught us all by surprise,” says Carlos Nobre, a climate scientist who formerly headed of one of the public foundations that fund Science Without Borders.

In São Paulo, meanwhile, the medical school at the prestigious University of Campinas (UNICAMP) gives preference to admitting gifted students from government-run schools. The programme started in 2004 after research suggested that out of those with similar test scores prior to admittance, predominantly poor government-school students tended to perform better at UNICAMP than did their counterparts from private schools. The former comprised 68% of this year's entering class.

Carlos Henrique de Brito Cruz, who launched the UNICAMP initiative when he was the university rector, suspects that part of the answer is quite simple. “These students had more obstacles to overcome,” he says. “And when you put them in an environment where the obstacles are more or less the same, they tend to realize more of their potential.”

Brazil may also be seeing the fruits of the government's effort to improve scientific literacy and push more students into science careers, which gained momentum after the inauguration of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva as president in 2003. A division at the federal Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation focuses entirely on 'social inclusion', with programmes to improve public schools and promote research in fields that affect local communities, such as nutrition and sustainability.

The poor quality of secondary education remains a substantial problem that could take a generation or more to address, experts say. Nonetheless, existing initiatives could be boosting the quality of government schools enough for ambitious students to excel, says Nobre. The next question, he says, is whether these students will be able to bolster innovation in Brazilian science. “Now that they are coming into the market, we will have to start evaluating very quickly what happened to these students.”

INDIA: Barriers of language and caste

By T. V. Padma
Despite the renown of technology hubs such as Bangalore and universities such as the multicampus Indian Institute of Technology, vast numbers of talented students in India never get to realize their full potential owing to poor rural schools, language barriers and the caste system. Especially outside the cities, higher education — including science — largely remains a privilege of the rich, the politically powerful and the upper castes.

India's national census does not collect data on caste, rural or gender representation in science, nor do the country's science departments. Nonetheless, says Gautam Desiraju, a chemist at the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore, it is clear that rural Indian students are hampered by a lack of good science teachers and lab facilities, and are unaware of opportunities to enter mainstream science (see The barriers are even higher for rural girls, who are discouraged from pursuing higher studies or jobs, and for girls from poor urban families, who are expected to take jobs to contribute to their dowries.

Nature special:Science in India

Many rural students are also hampered by their poor English, the language that schools often use to explain science. “Teachers from elite colleges and interview and selection committees are often biased against such students,” says immunologist Indira Nath, at the Indian National Science Academy in New Delhi.

Caste — the hereditary class system of Hindu society — is officially not an issue. India's constitution and courts have mandated that up to half of the places in education and employment must be reserved for people from historically discriminated-against classes. However, a clause excludes several of India's top science centres from this requirement. And in reality there is an “unintentional, subtle or hidden discrimination against students from reserved categories, right from high school to college levels”, says Shri Krishna Joshi, a scientist emeritus at the National Physical Laboratory in New Delhi. Teachers do not encourage them as much as they do students from upper castes. As a result, he says, “poor students from reserved categories in turn often have psychological barriers and believe they cannot compete with the others”.

Still, says Desiraju, there are signs of progress. For a long time, Indian officials assumed that all they had to do was set up centres of scientific excellence and the effects on education would simply trickle down to the masses. “But now,” he says, “agencies are beginning to adopt a more bottom-up approach” that seeks to find talented people at the lowest economic levels.

At the University of Delhi South Campus, geneticist Tapasya Srivastava sees the effects of that shift. “Competitiveness for higher science education is increasing across all caste-based categories and gaps are dissolving,” she says.

“Talented young researchers are getting admissions based on their merit alone and not because of the constitutional provision,” agrees Desiraju. But there is much still to be done, he says. “Finding the right talented girl or boy in a small town or village in India is often like finding a needle in a haystack.”

KENYA: Easy access but poor prospects

By Linda Nordling

Francesco Cocco/Contrasto/eyevine

Poor students from Kenya are often interested in science, but struggle to make it a career.

In Kenya, where around 40% of the population lives on less than US$1.25 a day, class matters surprisingly little for who makes it into science. As one of Africa's fast-growing 'lion' economies, the country has seen university enrolment more than double since 2011, reaching more than 500,000 last year. The government subsidizes tuition fees for poor secondary-school students who get good grades in science, and there are loans available to help them with living expenses.

At the postgraduate level, however, the lack of opportunities in Kenya means that many science hopefuls have to do part of their training abroad. “The problem for me wasn't getting into science, it was staying in,” says Anne Makena, a Kenyan from a lower-class background with an undergraduate degree in biochemistry from Moi University in Eldoret. She now has a Rhodes scholarship to finish her PhD in chemical biology at the University of Oxford, UK.

“Class matters surprisingly little for who makes it into science.”

For those staying at home, the surest path to a research career is to get a job with foreign-funded organizations such as the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE) in Nairobi, or the partnership between the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) and the UK Wellcome Trust. But competition is fierce, and it can take years to get accepted. This is when graduates from a poorer background are more likely to give up, says Makena. They are drawn by lucrative private-sector salaries and mindful of the need to contribute financially to their families, whereas wealthier students can afford to wait.

Another source of uncertainty is Kenyan universities' struggle to secure enough operating funds from the government. The shortfall has led vice-chancellors in the country's public universities to propose up to a five-fold rise in tuition fees for resource-intensive courses, including science. If this happens and government subsidies do not keep pace, poorer students might forego science courses for cheaper degrees.

That would be a pity, says Baldwyn Torto, head of behavioural and chemical ecology at ICIPE, because Kenyan students from modest backgrounds make excellent scientists in his experience. “You find kids from poorer families performing equally well, if not better, than kids from wealthier families,” he says.

RUSSIA: Positive policy, poor productivity

By Quirin Schiermeier
Following the Soviet Union's collapse in 1991, Russia was quickly given over to untamed capitalism and increasing inequity. Yet the country retained its socialist ideals in education: even now, Russia produces a large share of its science students and researchers from low- and middle-income backgrounds.

“There is a national consensus in Russia regarding the value of equal opportunities in education for the modernization of our country,” says Dmitry Peskov, who directs the young professionals division of the Moscow-based Agency for Strategic Initiatives, which promotes economic innovation in Russia. The country hosts some 3,000 universities and higher learning institutes, and about half of its secondary-school graduates go on to attend them. The average among all Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries is about 35%.

In peripheral regions such as the Urals or Siberia, where local governments are keen to develop scientific and engineering capacity, teachers identify talented students as early as ages 4 to 6. If they continue to show promise, they are encouraged to enrol at local universities, whose tuition-free programmes may focus on local needs such as agricultural technology.

Children who demonstrate exceptional skills in science, art, sports or even chess may earn admission to the Sirius educational centre in Sochi on the Black Sea. This centre, backed by Russian president Vladimir Putin, was set up after the 2014 Winter Olympics to help Russia's most gifted youths develop their talent with support from leading scientists and professionals.

Since December 2015, prospective students who succeed in local or national science competitions and maths Olympiads can also hope to secure a presidential grant worth 20,000 roubles (US$307) per month. These grants allow hundreds of students from lower social backgrounds to study at the nation's top universities on the sole condition that they will stay in Russia for at least five years after graduation.

But despite such efforts, Russia's science output remains relatively low. One reason, Peskov says, is the Russian science community's isolation. For all their skills and social diversity, Russian researchers tend to speak poor English and are underrepresented in international meetings and collaborations. Uncertainty over the Russian government's future support of science adds to the problem. “Lucrative jobs in finance, business administration or industry are much more popular among well-trained young Russians than is a risky academic career,” he notes.

Published in Articles à Lire
mardi, 22 novembre 2016 14:19

Science and inequality

A special issue explores the study of inequality, and how socio-economic divides affect the science workforce.


In every society on Earth, at least some fraction of the citizens find their talents being sacrificed to poverty, prejudice, poor schooling and lack of opportunity.

Science is comparatively open: many top-rank inventors and researchers have risen from humble beginnings through a combination of brilliance and luck. Even so, the field is losing out on millions of bright but underprivileged students. And now that researchers have begun to grapple with ways to increase gender and ethnic diversity in science, many are calling for socio-economic status to be the next big topic of debate.

Nature special:Inequality in science

This issue of Nature contributes to that conversation with a look at what research can say about inequality as a phenomenon, as well as an examination of how it plays out in science. Economist Branko Milanovic uses historical data to follow the ebb and flow of inequality on a timescale of centuries. He concludes that the striking global increase in inequality since the early 1980s will turn around at some point — driven either by comparatively benign historical forces such as technological change, or by malign events such as war or plague.

Economist Mike Savage takes on the surprisingly fraught question of what 'class' actually means. Definitions have historically centred on people's income or occupation, but, more recently, sociologists have argued for incorporating an individual's cultural and social capital — the connections that he or she can parlay into better education and jobs. The difference could influence how governments shape programmes to address inequality.

Two News Features look at inequality within research itself. One examines how class and inequality are affecting science and scientists in eight countries around the world, and finds that even the richest countries still struggle with the issue. The other examines salary data for scientists in several countries, and finds that there is a growing gap between top earners and the rest. These data back up the findings from Nature's annual salary survey, which reveals that many scientists think they have made an economic sacrifice for their career. A notable proportion say that their job prospects are worse than those of past generations, and many would not recommend a career in research to young people.

On the subject of inequality, it seems, science still has a lot of work to do.

Published in Articles à Lire

Windows, desks and employees are being wired up in a quest to create healthy, evidence-based environments.

In late May, eight employees of Mayo Clinic's medical-records department packed up their belongings, powered down their computers and moved into a brand new office space in the heart of Rochester, Minnesota. There, they made themselves at home — hanging up Walt Disney World calendars, arranging their framed dog photos and settling back into the daily rhythms of office life.

Then, researchers started messing with them. They cranked the thermostat up — and then down. They changed the colour temperature of the overhead lights and the tint of the large, glass windows. They played irritating office sounds through speakers embedded in the ceilings: a ringing phone, the clack of computer keys, a male voice saying, “medical records”, as if answering the phone.

On a warm morning in June, the recording is playing on a loop. “I've timed it,” says Randy Mouchka, one of the relocated office workers, with exasperation. “It's 55 seconds.” Today, the air feels stale and stuffy, but the sun is streaming in — an improvement over last week, Mouchka says, when the researchers kept the window shades pulled all the way down.

These people are the first guinea pigs in the Well Living Lab, an immersive, high-tech facility where Big Brother meets big data. The lab — a collaboration between Mayo Clinic in Rochester and Delos, a design and technology firm based in New York City — was built to host studies on how the indoor environment influences health, well-being and performance, from stress to sleep quality, physical fitness to productivity.


Brent Bauer explains the idea behind his massively malleable living space.


Down the hall, in a glass-walled control centre crammed with computers, scientists are keeping a close eye on Mouchka and his colleagues. “We have a panoramic view of everything that's happening,” says Alfred Anderson, the lab's director of technology. One monitor features a live video feed; others display light levels, air temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure from the 100 or so sensors scattered around the office. The workers are wired up, too: a large monitor reveals the readouts from biometric wristbands that measure their heart-rate variability and the electrical conductance of their skin, both crude measures of stress. Researchers will monitor all of this as they subject the employees to nine different types of office environment. “We're in 'Bad Office 2' today,” Anderson says.

Experts know that indoor spaces can pose health risks. Excessive noise is thought to contribute to high blood pressure and heart disease. Artificial light can disrupt circadian rhythms and may increase the risk of certain cancers. There is growing evidence that a sedentary lifestyle could damage health, leading to type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer or early death — a major concern when so many modern jobs demand sitting at a desk all day. And workplace stress is thought to cost hundreds of billions of dollars worldwide each year in sick days, health-care costs and lost productivity. “We spend 90% of our time indoors,” says Brent Bauer, the Well Living Lab's medical director. “If we don't optimize that, we're going to have a hard time optimizing wellness as a whole.”

Scientists hope that the lab will allow them to add to the growing literature on the impact of the built environment, and to produce practical, evidence-based recommendations for creating healthier indoor spaces ranging from offices to homes. It's an ambitious mission that will involve integrating and interpreting vast quantities of data. But scientists, companies and organizations — impressed by the lab's size, scope and approach — are eager to see what it finds. “Everybody I've talked to who has heard about it is very excited because it is truly unique,” says Gail Brager, associate director of the Center for the Built Environment at the University of California, Berkeley.

Living in the lab

Decades of research have revealed that indoor spaces can affect how people think, feel and behave. In a landmark 1984 study1, Roger Ulrich, a pioneer in health-care design research now at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden, found that people recovering from surgery in hospital rooms with views of nature needed shorter stays and fewer doses of strong pain medication than did those in rooms looking onto a brick wall. Others have reported that certain kinds of artificial light can improve sleep and reduce depression and agitation in people with Alzheimer's disease2; that higher air temperatures seem to curb calorie consumption3; that employees take more sick leave when they work in open-plan offices4; and that children in daylight-drenched classrooms progress faster in maths and reading than do those in darker ones5.

In 2012, the accumulating research led Delos — which aims to create spaces that boost health and wellness — to start developing evidence-based guidelines for healthier buildings. The WELL Building Standard, first released in 2014, outlines more than 100 best practices, from using paints that release minimal levels of potentially toxic compounds to organizing cafeterias so that they prominently display fruit and vegetables. Buildings that meet enough of the standards can become 'WELL Certified', in much the same way that buildings can earn sustainable, eco-friendly certification.

But in developing the standard, Delos noticed gaps in the scientific literature. There were many studies on a single aspect of the indoor environment, such as light or sound, but in the real world, these variables operate in concert. Studies have shown, for example, that as the temperature and humidity of indoor air increases, its perceived quality declines6. Programmes to reduce indoor air pollution could yield greater benefits if building managers pay attention to these other factors.

Ackerman + Gruber for Nature

In the Well Living Lab's control room, researchers track dozens of variables, including lighting, temperature, humidity and noise levels.

Other recommended practices might conflict. In June, researchers reported7 that office workers scored higher on tests of cognitive function when the room was better ventilated, but many studies have found that background noise impairs cognitive performance. What if increasing air flow requires office workers to open a window onto a loud street? If one worker wants quiet, and another wants fresh air, can evidence decide who should win?

“There are some building-science labs out there who try to bring in as many components as possible, but we never thought they got to the point where they really could address all the issues that might come up in a building design standard,” says Dana Pillai, president of Delos's research division and executive director of the Well Living Lab. “So we thought we'll just do it ourselves.” In 2013, Delos began discussions with Mayo Clinic. Together, the organizations decided to build an adaptable, immersive lab that gave them precise control over many environmental variables and mirrored the real world as closely as possible.

They assembled an 18-person team and sketched out a 700-square-metre dream lab. The facility, which cost more than US$5 million to build and occupies the third floor of an office building, is endlessly transmutable. The tint of the windows can be altered with a mobile app; LED lighting can be tuned to different colours and intensities, and the motorized shades can be programmed to rise and fall at specific times of day. “We can move walls, we can move plumbing, we can move ducts,” says Bauer. Researchers can transform the lab from a large, open-plan office to a cluster of 6 apartments or 12 hotel rooms, where study participants might live for weeks or even months. “It's imaginative,” says Alexi Marmot, an architect and researcher at University College London. “This really has potential to allow all sorts of things to be done that we have not been able to do.”

The Well Living Lab occupies a scientific sweet spot — more controlled than the real offices used for field studies and more realistic than many laboratories. “That they're going to have people there for extended periods of time, I think is really important,” says Brager, who was not involved in the planning or design of the lab, but will serve on its scientific advisory board. “While this still isn't quite a real building — so there's still going to be some question about the ability to generalize to real-world conditions — it's a lot closer than the conventional labs.”

Office space

The Well Living Lab's scientists are starting small and simple, drawing on previous findings to create a variety of office environments that they hypothesize will have positive, negative or no effects on workers' comfort and stress. They are monitoring participants' responses to these changing conditions with daily surveys — which ask for ratings of comfort, satisfaction, productivity and stress — and the biometric wristbands. This study is a trial run, designed to validate the lab's systems and approach, as well as the basic idea that office conditions influence employees' well-being.

Later this year, the team will explore in more detail how light, noise and temperature affect employee performance, as measured by tests of executive function and productivity, surveys of perceived productivity and physiological measures. Crucially, the researchers will also assess how variables interact, which have the greatest impact on individual and group performance, and what the cumulative effects of changing them are. Such studies might eventually show, for example, that an office with plenty of natural light, a thermostat set to 21 °C and a modest hum of background noise produces the happiest employees, who respond to e-mails quickly or enter database information accurately.

Ackerman + Gruber for Nature

Dozens of environmental sensors are placed throughout the office.

“The world is a multicomponent place, so there's a benefit of doing that — that's how the real world is,” says Mariana Figueiro, who directs the Light and Health Program at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York. But there's a danger, too, she says. “Those are probably going to be very expensive studies, and they might be very noisy” statistically, which may make the data difficult to interpret.

Even the relatively simple pilot study is already generating nearly 9 gigabytes of data per week. As the researchers enrol bigger groups and monitor more variables and outcomes, that figure could expand tenfold.

The complexity will also grow as the team begins to layer studies on top of one another. Nicholas Clements, a director at Delos Labs, is collecting samples of the office microbiome: bacteria, fungi and more that live in the office's nooks and crannies, and on the surfaces that people touch every day. Scientists think that it may be possible to actively shape the indoor microbiome to improve human health, but research into this idea is in its infancy.

“We'd like to push that science further and hopefully we can accomplish that here,” says Clements, who plans to test whether certain environmental interventions, such as changing flooring and surface materials or installing a 'green wall' of living plants, can alter the office's microbes — or the health of its human occupants. (He will also track participants' exposure to indoor air pollutants, such as the volatile organic compounds emitted by paint and furniture.)

Other Mayo faculty members are eager to use the facility. Early next year, ergonomist Susan Hallbeck will investigate whether standing desks improve health in workers with and without certain risk factors for disease — and, if so, what the optimal ratio and schedule of standing and sitting is. Research has shown that using a standing desk can slightly increase the number of calories burnt, but the evidence for broader health benefits is limited. “This is a dream study,” says Hallbeck.

In addition to the office space, the lab currently contains a single studio apartment, which the researchers will use to learn how to design living spaces that improve sleep quantity and quality in night-shift workers, and whether changes in these workers' circadian cycles influence their microbiota.

And whenever the scientists get together, they start churning out new ideas and hypotheses. Perhaps they could turn the space into a classroom, study whether lighting can reduce falls among older people or probe whether certain office conditions make it easier for people with traumatic brain injuries to return to work.

“We're taking kind of a kid-in-a-candy-store approach,” Bauer says. “We've got almost endless opportunities now to start answering these important questions about, 'How do we optimize the indoor environment?'”

Ackerman + Gruber for Nature

Tools in the Hardware Development Lab, allow researchers to reconfigure the office space into apartments, hotel rooms and more.

Complex challenges

The lab's leaders still have a long wish list of sensors and technologies that they would like to deploy, and they're eyeing international expansion. They're not alone. A handful of other teams are taking an immersive, multivariable approach to studying human responses to indoor conditions, using flexible facilities — from the Total Indoor Environmental Quality Lab at Syracuse University in New York, to the SenseLab at the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, which should open in December.

But big ambitions can be expensive. To help cover costs, Mayo and Delos have been recruiting corporations and other organizations to the Well Living Lab Alliance. Members make contributions ranging from $75,000 to $300,000, and receive several benefits in return, including early access to research findings, attendance at an annual Well Living Lab summit and discounts on sponsored research. So far, nine organizations — in industries including construction, property management, health-care technology, manufacturing and computing — have signed up.

Corporate partnerships aren't unusual in built-environment research, but scientists say that the lab will have to select its members carefully, be transparent about funding sources and work to ensure scientific independence. “In this field that's normally been neglected, there's now somebody who clearly has very deep pockets,” Marmot says. “I think it's all to the good. But let's make sure that the appropriate scientific review processes are there.”

Bauer says that all proposed studies — including those sponsored by alliance members — will need approval from the lab's leaders, its joint steering committee and Mayo's institutional review board. “I think we've been very clear with the companies that are participating that membership isn't a carte blanche,” he says.

At the Well Living Lab, the workers are now feeling at home. Despite being poked, prodded and observed by the scientists behind the glass, the first test participants love their temporary office. The desks are adjustable, the chairs comfy and the windows big. Even the air, they say, seems cleaner than in their old offices, to which they will eventually return. “I don't want to go back,” says Mouchka. “I'm hoping we're here for a year.”

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