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- Written by Redaction Web 1
- Category: Présentation de l'université
- Published: 06 December 2016
- Hits: 4257
Academic Board of Ethics and of Deontology
An introductory speech made by Professor A. DJEKOUN
The Rector of the University Mentouri Brothers Constantine
Ethics and Deontology are two indisociable cocepts that are at the heart of all the projects of development of a university as well as its reputation.
All things being equal, the teacher is an important character in this whole issue.
Il convient de situer la mission de l’enseignant dans le contexte culturel et social dans lequel celui-ci évolue.
The teacher's mission is ought to be in both cultural and social contexts in which it is evolving.
In the Arab-Muslim context, the teacher is perceived as a prophet.
قم للمعلم وفيه تبجيلا كاد المعلم أن يكون رسولا
Stand up for the teacher and glorify him, he could have been a messenger.
The teacher is a messenger, he is a source of knowledge whenever and wherever he is.
From a universal scope, the teacher is the guide, the companion, the tutor, the educator, and the master.
In the Algerian culture, the teacher is named “cheikh” to mean the wise, the generous, the protector (the spiritual father). It is important to note that the teacher is perceived as a reference.
If one is all that, a prophet, a master, a cheikh, s/he can only be humble and modest.
Being humble and modest is meant that teachers need to conceive: rigor since it promotes the credit; morals for they are the essence of education; and generosity for teachers are science and knowledge activists.
This leads us to say that ethics and deontology are not ends in oneself, ways to perceive the laws, or ways to make a mirror in which one looks at him/herself every morning to evaluate and correct his/her flaws, but rather they are ways to establish genuine habits, and at the same time, build a society with genuine landmarks.
Leonardo da Vinci says: “the more we know, the more we love”. Accordingly, the more we discover, the more we know the university missions, and the more we like the fact to be a university student.
Because of that reason ethics and deontology, today, are summoned to accompany us, to make us like, protect, and value our mission, not to reveal our job because we are invested in a real vocation, and even beyond; our achievements persist our existence.
The university ethics and deontology, are also the ability of discernment, the power of competence, and the magnitude of different actors of the university life to get them attain the values we intend to share in our society and transmit to our students as well as to the upcoming generations. These values are: solidarity, tolerance, the taste of effort, the equity, the merit, then love of truth ...
According to what has been mentioned earlier, we also consider ethics and deontology to be stakeholders of the society's educational system.
All in all, it is through training and education that we construct big projects for a whole nation.
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