Target Audience: Ph.D. Students, Researchers, Research Administrators

Registration: we invite you to complete the following online questionnaire:



For each webinar, the first 100 registrants having provided a valid email address will receive a Zoom link to participate in the chosen webinars.

For more details, contact us at the email address:

Le centre national de recherche sur le droit maritime DEHUKAM de l’université d’Ankara, Turquie offre des bourses d’études en anglais pour la préparation d’un master et doctorat, ayant pour le droit maritime.

Ce programme de bourses comprend :

  • L’installation à l’université
  • Bourse mensuelle
  • Prise en charge : une seule fois du billet d’avion retour, des frais d’inscription, de l’assurance santé et de l’hébergement.

Pour s’inscrire veuillez visiter le lien suivant :

Date limite de candidature: le 20/02/2023

Pour plus d’information veuillez visiter le lien suivant :

Site internet: http:/


L’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’Alimentation (FAO) offre une bourse d’étude en Hongrie, pour la préparation d’un Master dans les spécialités suivantes:
- Ingénierie de la gestion de l’eau agricole.
- Biotechnologie.
Les inscriptions aux programmes précités doivent être effectuées au plus tard le: 28-02-2023.                                       
Les candidatures se font par email à l’adresse électronique de la FAO: 
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
Les candidats doivent déposer une copie de la fiche de candidature en ligne aux niveaux des instituts/facultés respectives avant le 28 fevrier 2023 


Published in EUROPEAN PROGRAMS February 16 2023

Le Ministère de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche scientifique est destinataire d'une offre de bourses d'études Indienne, dans les universités et les instituts indiens au titre de l'année universitaire 2023-2024.

Les étudiants intéressés peuvent soumettre leurs candidatures pour ces bourses en ligne via le portail A2A de l’ICCR à partir du 20 Février 2023. 




Yesterday, Saturday 11 February 2023, saw the end of the events of the national PhD admission competition for the academic year 2022-2023 at the University Constantine1, with a total number of 15 000 candidates competing for 163 PhD positions over 43 majors.

Mr. Shoul Ben Chahra, the rector of the university Constantine 1, confirmed, in an interview with the University’s Media and Communication Cell, that the competition extended over a month or more and  was organized through four stages to cope with the huge number of  applicants who came from various regions of the country. The process was preceded by active preparations at the level of the central administration of the university, and at the level of the different faculties and departments concerned with the competition.

Mr. Shoul Ben Chahra added that organizing such a competition, which met the required conditions and criteria, came through  four stages, starting with the preparation and the announcement of the open call for admission in the competition, examining and processing the applicants’ files lodged on the digital platform, PROGRES, to holding coordination meetings of the competition preparatory committees under his  personal supervision and follow up in the presence of the deans and head of departments of the different participating faculties to ensure a sound preparation of the competition, until the preparation of the written exam and its correction then the announcement of the results which came in a record time.  

Moreover, last Saturday, the Rector of the University of Constantine 1 monitored the conduction of the PhD competition, on its final  day, at the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Sciences and technology, as he did before in the previous competitions especially the one organized at the department of English about which he said that  it was a unique in its genre as it came after eight years of interruption.  The competition attracted many candidates thanks to the intensive efforts of the university teachers.

As for the circumstances under which the different PhD competitions were held at the university of Constantine1, the rector said that all required material and human means were provided to ensure the success of the event. He added that the national character of the competition required the mobilization of all efforts for a perfect organization which was assured with professionalism and characterized by transparency, integrity and credibility. The rector concluded by thanking all the participating parties, academic and administrative staff, for their deployed efforts and sense of responsibility in making this event successful.

Mr. Shoul Ben Chahra urged the winners in the PhD competition to enrich their scientific background to serve their society, find solutions to its problems and contribute to the economic development locally, nationally and internationally.

The University of Constantine 1, it is to remember, was qualified to hold the PhD competition according to the ministerial decision Number 1411, issued on December 3, 2022, for meeting high-level scientific requirements.


Reported by Wahiba BENCHETTAH

Translation : Translation Cell

Club café polyglotte

بحضور مديرة حاضنة جامعة الإخوة منتوري قسنطينة 1، نائب رئيس الجامعة المكلف بالبيداغوجيا، عمداء الكليات، مدراء المعاهد، نواب عمداء الكليات ومدراء المعاهد المكلفون بالبيداغوجيا، رؤساء الأقسام، المسؤولين عن الميادين، الفروع و التخصصات.
نظّم يوم السبت 14 جانفي 2023 على 10سا00 صباحا بقاعة المحضرات 500 مقعد إجتماع، قدمت فيه مديرة مكتب آلربط بين الجامعة و المحيط الإقتصادي - ألإجتماعي و نقطة الإتصال على مستوى جامعة الإخوة منتوري قسنطينة "د.عوابدية نبيلة"، منهجية إستكمال المنصة الرقمية "توجيه" التي تهدف إلى تعزيز التوجه المهني للشباب وكذلك تحسين ملاءمة "التدريب - الوظائف"، في منهجية مبنية على المهارات.

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University Frères Mentouri Constantine 1

University Frères Mentouri Constantine 1  P.O. Box, 325 Ain El Bey Way, Constantine, Algeria, 25017, Phone Number : +213 (0) 31 81 12 71