Monday, 30 September 2019 - Université Frère Mentouri - Constantine 1

 Mobile Learning Week 2019: Call for proposals open

Published in Call for papers

 View the attachment for reading the list

Published in Articles to read

US scientists have made a breakthrough in HIV research by eradicating the rodent genome virus, thanks to a new type of treatment in two stages, without any consequences negative.A new treatment, already described as revolutionary and consisting of two steps, is able to eliminate traces of HIV from an organism, according to experiments conducted by American scientists at Temple University on mice. Using genomic editing (CRISPR-Cas9), combined with antiretroviral therapy, the team of scientists has successfully eradicated the mouse genome virus. They published their results in the Nature journal.

Published in Articles to read

Former students transfer of with baccalaureate before 2019 (PROLONGATION AU JEUDI 19-09-2019)  2019 t

Transfer between sections

Transfer between universities

Transfer between faculties

Components of the conversion request file: Transfer file between universities:

1. Transfer forms in three copies from the original university

2. Copy of the baccalaureate transcript

3. Copy of the enrollment certificate

4. A copy of the student's course transcript

5. A copy of the student's disciplinary status

6. Justification for transfer request (receipt form of electricity and gas, residence card, ...)

Transfer between departments

1. Transfer forms in three copies (downloaded from the website of the University of Mentouri Constantine 1: www

2. A copy of the baccalaureate transcript

3. Copy of the enrollment certificate

4. A copy of the student card


Published in News and Information

Social Networks






On line documentation

National system of on line documentation.

Articles by date

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University Frères Mentouri Constantine 1

University Frères Mentouri Constantine 1  P.O. Box, 325 Ain El Bey Way, Constantine, Algeria, 25017, Phone Number : +213 (0) 31 81 12 71