Appels Internationaux et Nationaux 130
mercredi, 08 janvier 2025 10:49 Written by Communication Vice Rectorat des Relations Exterieursالمعرض الدولي الخامس عشر (15) للاختراعات
mardi, 07 janvier 2025 13:52 Written by Communication Vice Rectorat des Relations Exterieursشبكة المنافسة العربية
jeudi, 05 décembre 2024 18:11 Written by Communication Vice Rectorat des Relations Exterieurs
Appel à projets Erasmus+ 2025 |
Suite au lancement de l’appel à projets Erasmus+ 2025, le Bureau National Erasmus+ Algérie invite les établissements d’enseignement supérieur, de formation professionnelle, d'éducation Projets de mobilité internationale: · Mobilité académique (ICM), facilitant les échanges des étudiants et du personnel universitaire. · Échanges virtuels, favorisant la collaboration numérique et l’apprentissage interactif. · Échanges de jeunes, destinés à promouvoir le dialogue interculturel et l’engagement des jeunes. Projets de coopération: · Projets de renforcement des capacités dans les domaines de l’enseignement supérieur (CBHE), de la formation professionnelle (CBVET) et de la jeunesse (CBY), pour soutenir le développement institutionnel et sectoriel. · Formations Erasmus Mundus, incluant les Masters conjoints et les mesures de conception, visant à renforcer l’excellence académique. Activités Jean Monnet · Modules, Chaires, Centres d’excellence et Réseaux, dédiés à la promotion et à l’approfondissement des études européennes.
Pour une meilleure compréhension de l’appel à propositions Erasmus+ 2025, le Bureau National Erasmus+ Algérie met à votre disposition un Guide de soumission et des brochures explicatives accessibles via ce lien :
version finale du Programme événement IA
dimanche, 24 novembre 2024 12:48 Written by Redaction web 3معلومات عن تنظيم المؤتمر الدولي حول السيادة الجوية واقع و تحديات بدولة ليبيا
lundi, 18 novembre 2024 08:42 Written by Communication Vice Rectorat des Relations ExterieursCall for Papers : to the first National Conference on Artificial Intelligence and its Applications (NCAIA2024)
dimanche, 03 novembre 2024 09:03 Written by Communication Vice Rectorat des Relations ExterieursWe are delighted to invite you to submit original works to the first National Conference on Artificial Intelligence and its Applications (NCAIA'2024), which will be held on December 03-04, 2024, in Constantine, Algeria. For more details, visit:
Important dates:
- Abstract Submission Deadline: November 14, 2024
- Notification of Acceptance from : November 20, 2024
- Camera-ready Paper Submission from: November 25, 2024
- Conference Date: December 03 and 04, 2024
the first National Conference on Artificial Intelligence and its Applications (NCAIA'2024), organized by Constantine 1 University, the Vice-Rectorate of Post-Graduation and Scientific Research, in collaboration with the House of Artificial Intelligence and the LSIACIO laboratory. The conference aims to bring together researchers, specialists, and industry professionals working in the field of artificial intelligence to share their experiences and knowledge. It will cover, without being limited to, the following areas of research:
- Machine Learning and Deep Learning
- Natural Language Processing (NLP)
- Computer Vision
- Robots and Autonomous Systems
- AI and Healthcare
- Ethics and Regulation of AI
- Industrial Applications of AI
- AI and Sustainable Development
- Security and Privacy
- Artificial Intelligence and Research Methodology
Submission Guidelines:
- The paper's content must be original and pertinent to one of the conference's topics.
- Authors should adhere to Springer's guidelines and utilize the provided templates for paper preparation, available in both LaTeX and Word formats on the conference website:
- Only PDF files will be accepted.
- Participants of NCAIA'2024 are invited to submit detailed abstracts for presentation at the conference. These abstracts must be written in English and should be a minimum of three pages. They should include the following: the title, author names and their affiliations and emails, an abstract, keywords, an introduction, the main results, a conclusion, and references.
- All papers must be submitted through the CMT Microsoft submission system at
- An automatic confirmation email will be sent to authors for each successful submission.
- Accepted papers will be published in the NCAIA'2024 Proceedings, with publication details to be announced soon.
- To have their paper included in the conference proceedings, at least one author must register and present the paper at the conference.
Along with submitting your work, we kindly ask for your assistance in sharing the CFP with your colleagues, students, and professional network. Your support in spreading the word is greatly appreciated.
P.S. Don't hesitate to share this CFP with your colleagues and students.