Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Presidential Decree of, appoints Professor BOURAS Ahmed to be: “the budget Chief Authorizing Officer, the responsible of the general functioning of the university with respect to the other structures, holds authority over the staff, the one that ensures the application of valid legislation and regulation in terms of teaching and education, the one that takes all the necessary measures to improve the activities of the university related to trainings and research with regards to their attributions in other structures, the one that is responsible of maintaining order and discipline within the university, and the one that delivers Diplomas, by delegation of the Ministry of Higher Education …”

 (The Executive Decree n°03-279 of Joumada Ethania, 1424, corresponding to August 23, 2003, determining the missions and the particular rules of the organization and functioning of the university)


Vice Rectorate in charge of Pedagogy

Vice Rectorate in charge of Post-Graduation

Vice Rectorate in charge of Development, Prospective, and Orientation

Vice Rectorate in charge of External Relations


General Secretary

Social Networks






On line documentation

National system of on line documentation.

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University Frères Mentouri Constantine 1

University Frères Mentouri Constantine 1  P.O. Box, 325 Ain El Bey Way, Constantine, Algeria, 25017, Phone Number : +213 (0) 31 81 12 71