Monday, 10 October 2016 - Université Frère Mentouri - Constantine 1

Welcome to TIES


About TIES



The purpose of the project is to contribute to the development of international relations (IRs) management in HEIs in the MEDA region, in particular in Algeria, Tunisia, Lebanon, Egypt, Morocco, and Jordan.

The project partnership is comprised of 3 European partners with expertise in institutional internationalization (UA, UPMF, and TUGM) and 12 partners from the MEDA region, hailing from Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Lebanon (2 per country). All seek to improve their international relations management.

The project will focus on strengthening the know-how and management capacities of the staff of the partner universities, and to build efficient structures for international relations. The project includes different types of actions, including on-site observation sessions, human resources development for both top-level management (Strategic level) and IRO staff (Practical level), the development of strategic internationalization plans for the participant institutions (with a period until 2015) and, the main output, a formalized regional network dedicated to internationalization. All the activities are designed to be complementary and drive the participants towards a more innovative and united approach to internationalisation and the management of international relations.


Published in La Revue de Presse

Social Networks






On line documentation

National system of on line documentation.

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University Frères Mentouri Constantine 1

University Frères Mentouri Constantine 1  P.O. Box, 325 Ain El Bey Way, Constantine, Algeria, 25017, Phone Number : +213 (0) 31 81 12 71