2014 Second International Conference on Electrical Engineering
And Control Applications  


November, 18-20, 2014, Constantine, Algeria

Welcome to 2014 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Control Applications (ICEECA2014) organized by the Departement of electronics, Faculty of sciences and Technology, University Constantine1, Algeria.

The Second International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Control Applications (ICEECA’14) provides a forum for specialists and practitioners to present and discuss their research results in the several areas of the conference, and also state of the art findings in using the applied electrical engineering and automatic control to solve national problems that face developing countries. The conference ICEECA’14 accepts papers on theoretical analysis, experimental studies and applications in the broad domain of electrical engineering and automatic control. The objective of the conference is not only the exchange of knowledge and experience, since the conference is an open door to students, but also provides opportunities for researchers to target future collaboration on current issues .

 Authors of excellent papers will be invited to submit extended versions of their papers for consideration of possible publication in the Journal of Automation & Systems Engineering.



Control and systems engineering
  · Biomedical control systems · Fuzzy systems
  · Robust, predictive and adaptive control
  · non linear control
  · optimal and stochastic control
  · Real-time control
  · Mechatronics and Robotics
  · Hybrid systems
  · Modelling and Control systems
  · Intelligent control systems
  · Control and Embedded systems  


Renewable Energy 

  · Bioenergy and sustainability · Wind Energy,
  · Solar energy,
  · Thermal Energy,
  · Hybrid renewable energy,
  · Fuel cell,
  · Energy storage and management,
  · Energy transfer,


Faults Diagnosis-Faults Tolerant Control
  · Fault accommodation
  · Fault detection and identification
  · Fault diagnosis, Fault estimation
  · Fault tolerant systems
  · System reconfiguration


Large Scale Systems  
  · Discuss new developments useful in handling complexity in modeling,
  · control and optimization of large scale complex systems such as urban traffic systems, power, environmental systems


Fractional order systems

  · Fractional order controllers
  · Fractional differential equations
  · Fractional order filters
  · Fractional systems approximation
  · Applications of fractional control systems


Unconventional algorithms in control engineering   

  · Nature-inspired algorithms in synthesis
  · Control and identification of nonlinear and complex systems
  · Deterministic chaos control
  · Complex networks control  
  · BigData in control engineering

Signal and Communications 

  · Signal processing
  · Cryptography
  · Biometry and medical imaging
  · Image and video compressing algorithms
  · Image segmentation and scene analysis
  · Data fusion and pattern recognition
  · Communication systems
  · Wireless Technologies  
  ·  Antennas and propagation
  · Modulation and signal design
  · Satellite communications

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