163 PhD student at Mentouri university of Constantine 1

The University of Constantine 1 has witnessed today, March 23rd 2023, the official launching ceremony for PhD training in the 3rd cycle of  the academic year of 2022 – 2023



Published in News and Information March 26 2023

Within the framework of accompanying the students involved in Resolution 1275, the series of training and training for students continues. Always, in coordination with the National Coordinating Committee for Follow-up on Innovation and University Entrepreneurship, the business incubator of Constantine University 1 announces the SAHRA STARTUP evening in the holy month of Ramadan. Please see the advertisement and register on the platform. Links to join the courses will be sent after registration.

We consider celebrating the national day of persons with disabilities, which falls on Mars 14, as a symbol that makes us stand up for those who did well in using there basic skills to build a career, thereby contributing to the development in terms of : economy, society, culture and sports, with pure firm and courage that made them pioneers and leaders in their fields of specialization .

By celebrating people of determination, we are tipping our hats to excellent creative people who have had success, and who choosed quality as their watchword in order to provide our country with the best. The country that embraced them and protected them always by a set of laws that paved the  way for them to improve their skills.

Our university is most proud of its students that belong to the people of determination who are a true example of scholarly and pedagogical excellence as well as a stunning success. This latter was due to the provision of a learning environment with all its pedagogical parts, by establishing equal opportunities standard for all its students and also by designating an office for them where they can find facilities and permanent accompaniment during there college education.

Once again I congratulate our students, especially, all the persons with disabilities on the occasion of their national day wishing them good luck in their educational path and in their career.

May you always be a pride to this country and may success quality and excellence be always your symbol.


Rector of the University of constantine 1 .

Pr Benchohra Choul.

(Groupe Intergouvernemental d'Experts sur l'Evolution du Climat) dédiée aux doctorants

يوفر برنامج المنح الدراسية للفريق الحكومي الدولي المعني بتغير المناخ منحا لطلاب الدكتوراه من البلدان النامية للبحث خاص بتعزيز فهم الأساس العلمي لمخاطر تغير المناخ والتأثيرات المحتملة وخيارات التكيف والتخفيف.


Les candidatures se font en ligne sur le lien suivant : https://www.ipcc.ch/about/scholarship/


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University Frères Mentouri Constantine 1

University Frères Mentouri Constantine 1  P.O. Box, 325 Ain El Bey Way, Constantine, Algeria, 25017, Phone Number : +213 (0) 31 81 12 71