Bande Dessinée sciences

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In 2011, Emmanuel Nnaemeka Nnadi needed help to sequence some drug-resistant fungal pathogens. A PhD student studying microbiology in Nigeria, he did not have the expertise and equipment he needed. So he turned to ResearchGate, a free social-networking site for academics, and fired off a few e-mails. When he got a reply from Italian geneticist Orazio Romeo, an inter­national collaboration was born. Over the past three years, the two scientists have worked together on fungal infections in Africa, with Nnadi, now at Plateau State University in Bokkos, shipping his samples to Romeo at the University of Messina for analysis. “It has been a fruitful relationship,” says Nnadi — and they have never even met.

Avec la fin de l’année s’approche le moment du bilan.Qu’a-t-on fait  ? Où en est-on  ? Moment propice au retour sur soi, pour l’individu comme pour le groupe. Entraînés par les travaux et les jours, nous oublions trop
souvent la raison ultime de notre activité, nous perdons de vue l’horizon, nous ne savons plus ce qui nous fait courir. Lire plus

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E-cigarettes are touted as a safe alternative to tobacco, but research has been inconclusive. In many respects, the modern electronic cigarette is not so different from its leaf-and-paper predecessor. Take a drag from the mouthpiece and you get a genuine nicotine fix — albeit from a fluid wicked into the chamber of a battery-powered atomizer and vaporized by a heating element. Users exhale a half-convincing cloud of ‘smoke’, and many e-cigarettes even sport an LED at the tip that glows blue, green or classic red to better simulate the experience romanticized by countless writers and film-makers. The only things missing are the dozens of cancer-causing chemicals found in this digital wonder’s analogue forebears.


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