إعــلان خاص بعملية التحويلات

نعلم كافة الطلبة القدامى(الحاصلين على بكالوريا قبل 2016 ) ، أنه قد تم تحديد فترة التحويلات (التحويل ما بين الأقسام ، التحويل ما بين الكليات ، التحويل بين الجامعات) من 30 أوت 2016 إلى غاية 15 سبتمبر 2016 .

مكونات ملف طلب التحويل:

ü      التحويل ما بين الأقسام و التحويل ما بين الكليات:

1.      نسخة عن كشف نقاط البكالوريا

2.      نسخة عن بطاقة الطالب

3.      استمارات التحويل على ثلاث نسخ  (يتم تحميلها من موقع جامعة الإخوة منتوري قسنطينة 1 : www.umc.edu.dz)

ü      التحويل ما بين الجامعات

1.      نسخة من كشف نقاط البكالوريا

2.      نسخة من كشوف نقاط المسار الدراسي

3.      مبرر التحويل ( وصل الكهرباء و الغاز في حالة تغيير الإقامة ، ... )

4.      استمارات التحويل على ثلاث نسخ تسحب من الجامعة الأصلية

5.      شهادة التسجيل في الموسم الجامعي 2016/2017 و شهادة حسن السيرة.

تودع طلبات التحويل على مستوى الكلية أو/ الأقسام المستقبلة في حدود المدة الزمنية المحددة : 30 أوت-15 سبتمبر 2016.

الإعلان عن النتائج يكون في 22 سبتمبر 2016

التسجيلات النهائية من 25 سبتمبر 2016 إلى غاية 29 سبتمبر 2016، تاريخ غلق عملية التسجيلات النهائية.



خلية الإعلام و التوجيه على مستوى عمارة الآداب تتكفل بكل القضايا و بالانشغالات الإدارية و البيداغوجية لكل الطلبة .

      I.  Activités d’enseignement :

·         Inscriptions pédagogiques  et réinscriptions : du 30 août au 15 septembre 2016.

·         Début des cours  (L1-L2-L3 et M2) : dimanche 18 septembre 2016

·         Début des TD/TP  (L1-L2-L3 et M2) : dimanche 25 septembre 2016


    II.  Transferts des nouveaux bacheliers 2016  (Circulaire 2016 et Note N°514 DGEFS)

·         Dépôt des demandes en ligne (plateforme PROGRES) : du mercredi 14 jusqu’au  17 septembre 2016

·         Annonce des résultats par le MESRS : mardi 20 septembre 2016

·         Inscriptions : dimanche 25 septembre 2016.


   III.  Autres cas de transferts ( baccalauréats antérieurs à 2016):

·         Dépôt des demandes de transferts aux départements et facultés : du mardi 30 août au jeudi 15 septembre 2016.

·         Traitement et étude des dossiers : mercredi 14 septembre au mercredi 21 septembre 2016

·         Annonce des résultats : jeudi 22 septembre 2016

·         Inscriptions : du dimanche 25 septembre 2016 au jeudi 29 septembre 2016.


Demande de transferts entre Départements

Demande de transferts entre Facultés

Demande de transferts entre Universités


   IV.  Transferts de mobilité (L2 - L3) – Conférence régionale EST :

·         Traitement des demandes – CRUEst : jeudi 22 septembre 2016

·         Annonce des résultats : du Dimanche 25 septembre 2016 au jeudi 29 septembre 2016

·         Inscriptions : du lundi 26 septembre au jeudi 29 septembre 2016.


    V.  Inscriptions Masters 1 (M1)

·         Réception des dossiers : du 28 aout au 08 septembre 2016

·         Traitement et étude des dossiers : 11-18 septembre 2016

·         Annonce des résultats : 20-22 septembre 2016

·         Recours : 25-26 septembre 2016

·         Inscriptions : 25-29 septembre 2016.

·         Début des cours : dimanche 02 octobre 2016.


   VI.  Organisation du concours d’accès aux formations doctorales : 15 octobre 2016.


  VII.  Examens 1er semestre : du 15 janvier 2017 au 02 février 2017


 VIII.  Début du 2ème semestre : le dimanche 5 février 2017

Le Samedi 15 Octobre 2016 L’Université des frères METOURI - Constantine lance l’appel d’offre national, par voie de concours le samedi U15 Octobre 2016 à 07:30U, aux candidatures d’entrée en Doctorats (3P èmeP cycle) dans les filières et spécialités indiquées ci-dessous. Les dossiers de candidature doivent être déposés et enregistrés (avec récépissé de dépôt) auprès des services de Post-Graduation des FACULTES et DEPARTEMENTS concernés du 06 septembre au 06 octobre 2016 (avant 12:00), délai de rigueur. Lieu de dépôt des dossiers : Secrétariat de la Post-Graduation ’’Service Doctorat LMD’’, DEPARTEMENT (suivant la spécialité) et FACULTÉ (suivant la filière) selon les campus, UNIVERSITE DES FRERES MENTOURI – CONSTANTINE1 – ROUTE D’AIN EL BEY CONSTANTINE 25017.


Cher bachelier… Toutes  nos félicitations !
Et bienvenue dans la communauté universitaire !

Télécharger circulaire additive n° 02 du 30 juin 2016

Etape 1:Après l'annonce des résultats du bac,

  1. Adresse-toi à ton Lycée. On te remettra ton attestation du baccalauréat à travers laquelle tu prendras connaissance de ton NUMÉRO PERSONNEL (en bas de page), qui te servira lors de ta préinscription
  2. Prends connaissance des informations mises à ta disposition dans le Guide du Bachelier et dans la Circulaire. Nous te conseillons à cet effet, d'installer l'application TASJILCOM, disponible dans l'espace de téléchargement, sur ton smartphone.  Tu pourras également utiliser, les versions Flash du Guide et Hypertexte de la Circulaire, sur un P.C; ou encore les versions pdf de ces deux documents.


Etape 2- Après la lecture attentive des documents, tu procéderas à ta préinscription du mardi 19 au jeudi 21 juillet 2016.

Cette phase consiste à remplir ta fiche de vœux et à la déposer, en ligne, à partir de l'adresse suivante : http://www.orientation.esi.dz

Cette opération peut être effectuée là où existe une connexion à l'Internet. Cependant nous te recommandons de rejoindre à cet effet les salles prévues dans tous les établissements universitaires, tu y trouveras disponibilité, conseils, assistance et accès gratuit à l'Internet.




Etape 3: du vendredi 22 au dimanche 24 juillet 2016

Tu dois ensuite confirmer ta préinscription. Il t'est permis aussi de modifier ta précédente fiche de vœux. 
Dans ce cas, c'est la deuxième fiche de vœux qui est prise en considération pour ton orientation.


Cas particulier : du dimanche 31 juillet au mardi 02 août 2016

Cas particulier des filières soumises à test d'aptitude ou entretien: 
Si tu a choisi des filières soumises à test d'aptitude ou entretien, n'oublie pas de te renseigner auprès des établissements concernés, sur la date précise des épreuves . En effet, il ne te faudra pas risquer de perdre une ou plusieurs formations possibles, du fait d'un chevauchement éventuel d'épreuves. Tes résultats te seront communiqués au plus tard 48 heures avant la clôture des inscriptions définitives.



Etape 5: du jeudi 04 au mardi 09 août 2016

Inscription définitives : 

Après avoir pris connaissance de votre affectation, Vous devez procéder à l’inscription définitive.




Etape 4: du dimanche 31 juillet au mardi 02 août 2016

Affectations et recours seront établis en ligne.
Tu peux s'il le faut, introduire un recours dans le cas où aucun de tes six choix n'a été retenu.




Au cas où tu es déclaré non admis, tu seras réorienté dans l'un des autres choix portés sur ta fiche de voeux. L'établissement d'accueil en première affectation est chargé de la procédure de la réorientation.

Life-science PhD graduates who wish to leave academia often find rewarding careers in the laboratories of biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies. But some find that the lab isn't enough. Researchers who choose to move beyond the bench to the upper levels of the company often decide to add three more letters to their CV: MBA.

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Investing time and money in another degree may seem an unappealing prospect for many PhD holders, but that's the reality of the competitive job market: sometimes you have to go beyond the usual training to get the job. An MBA (master of business administration) can open up career possibilities for a biotechnology or drug-development researcher and help them to stand out from the crowd. Those who decide to take the plunge face key questions: how and when to pursue an MBA (see 'When to go for an MBA'), and where to go from there. Many who have travelled this path say that the extra effort to get the degree has paid off by taking their career to the next level.

An MBA can help industrial researchers to move to a higher position and earn more. Jane Rhodes, now a manager for new high-tech initiatives at Biogen, a biotechnology company in Cambridge, Massachusetts, had spent ten years at the company working on drugs for neurological disorders such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. She felt hemmed in by the lab, but she realized that she didn't have the business or management skills to move up the company ladder. “I came through the British education system, which is very focused,” she says. “I wanted to learn more about the business side of biotech.”

To fill that gap, Rhodes embarked on a two-year MBA programme at Babson College in Wellesley, Massachusetts. Specifically designed for mid-career professionals, the programme took up to 30 hours a week, a big commitment for a researcher who already had a full-time job and a family. The programme would have cost her about US$75,000, but Biogen paid the bulk of the tuition bill, a sign of how much the company values the degree and the person.

Rhodes used her MBA to get her job at Biogen overseeing new company initiatives, a position that would have been off-limits without the extra training in the business side of science. “I can now move to multiple different positions across the company,” she says. “The combination of PhD and MBA is very valuable.” She enjoys thinking beyond the confines of research — and that's only one benefit of her revitalized career. “Without an MBA,” she says, “I don't know if my salary would be anywhere close to what it is now.”

Box 1: When to go for an MBA

Timing matters for junior researchers who see an MBA in their future. Although you don't need a PhD to enrol in a programme, many scientists have found that it pays to finish their research training first. “Having a PhD makes it easier to get accepted into an MBA programme,” says Jane Rhodes, a director of new initiatives at biotech firm Biogen in Cambridge, Massachusetts. “And non-PhDs who get an MBA have been less successful.”

Linh Gilles, director of admissions for the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, confirms that applicants to the school's MBA course who already have PhDs are more likely to be accepted. Recruiting more PhD scientists to the school is a priority, she says. “Students with a research background have that analytical component,” she explains. “It allows them to hit the ground running that much more quickly.”

Rhodes says that PhD holders who are interested in an MBA should get some industry experience first. “I wouldn't recommend doing it straight out of an academic postdoc,” she says. “You have to have some sort of business context.” And, as was true for her, scientists who already work in industry might be able to get their employer to pay for some or all of the tuition.


An MBA could give industrial researchers the insight they need to help turn a business around. Looking back, Oréda Boussadia wishes that she'd had that insight in addition to her research skills. She was one of only a few people in the world who knew how to create a certain type of transgenic mouse, thanks to her PhD and postdoctoral training in France and Germany. But she knew nothing about turning mice into profits, which was a problem at the small French biotech company that she joined after her postdoc. “We had very good results, but we had trouble making sales,” she says. The company failed within a year, forcing Boussadia to quickly ponder her next step. “I really wanted to continue in biotech, but I had to refine my management skills,” she says. “I knew how to design a research project, not how to develop a company.”

Boussadia jump-started her career by enrolling in the MBA programme at the Institut Français de Gestion in Nantes, France. Like other MBA schemes, it focused on the practical aspects of business: product development, market analysis, pricing and return on investment, using real-life examples as learning tools. Degree in hand, she soon got a job managing the production and sales of transgenic mice at a branch of Charles River Laboratories in Lyon, France. After holding that job for five years, she is now the European head of business development and strategy for EpiVax, a biotech company in Lyon. She's happy with the course of her career. “I enjoyed research, but it wasn't enough,” she says. “I wanted to be a decision maker.”

New horizons

Armed with an MBA, many can leave the lab without leaving science. As a postdoc, Kyle Rasbach investigated potential therapies for muscular dystrophy at the Dana–Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, Massachusetts. But thanks to the MBA that he'd pursued along with his PhD, he was snapped up after his postdoc for a job studying investment opportunities at investment management firm T. Rowe Price in Baltimore, Maryland. Much of his remit involves evaluating the research taking place at drug companies, from the giants of the business to small start-ups. His lab background helps him to spot blockbuster drugs in the making. “Sixty to seventy per cent of my job is science-based,” he says. “You can't do this job and be excellent at it without a PhD or an MD.”

That's also true for Moritz Fischer, director of international marketing for Fresenius Medical Care in Hessen, Germany. After earning his medical degree at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich in Germany, he realized that he did not want a career as a physician or clinician. He took a job at Fresenius as a lower-level marketing manager, but soon recognized that he could go much further with advanced business skills. So he pursued an MBA at Danube University Krems in Austria. The company covered his tuition, which he estimates would have cost him at least €20,000 ($22,500). It was a reasonable investment for the company, he says, because he has made money for them. “They were able to capitalize on my training,” he says.

" I enjoyed research, but it wasn't enough. I wanted to be a decision maker. "

Success stories of researchers with MBAs in biotech and drug development have caught the attention of early-career researchers who are still plotting their careers. Jeffrey Zahratka, a postdoc at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, says that he could see himself working at a biotech firm, perhaps one that makes implantable devices to treat neurological disorders. “I could act as a go-between for the research side and the business side,” he says. He still has to weigh up the pros and cons of another degree, but he thinks that he could bring a lot of value to a company. “People with a research background have a lot of tenacity,” he says. “They are battle-tested.”

If he decides to go down the MBA route, he won't be alone. But for now, PhD–MBA remains a relatively rare combination — that factor alone can help a person to stand out and move forward. It's a matter of degree.

Fidèle à ses traditions, l’université des Frères Mentouri Constantine organisera la cérémonie de clôture de l’année universitaire 2015/ 2016  et ce le 30 juin 2016 à l’auditorium Mohammed Saddik Ben yahia à partir de 09.30.

Pour cette occasion, le Rectorat récompensera les étudiants classés majors  de promotions dans les différents parcours de formations (en Licence, en master et en doctorat) dispensés par  les facultés et les instituts de l’Université.


A cet effet, toute la communauté universitaire est cordialement invitée. 

Octobre 27-30, 2016 Hammamet - Tunisia


Context and Objectives

The 2nd ICIEM 2016, International Conference on Integrated Environmental Management for Sustainable Development seeks to create a tradition of a bi-annual gatherings of academia, industry and policy makers to build a series of environmental pollution monitoring systems and integrated management strategies. The conference will provide a forum for discussion amongst scientists, professionals and academia in different areas of the broader theme of environmental engineering and sciences. The wealth of information exchanged in this international meeting continues to be of great benefit to all involved in challenging environmental issues caused by the increase of pollutants loads discharged into natural environment ecosystems. Those challenges require the building of a regulatory framework and control strategies. This framework needs to be based on scientific evidence associated with exposure and health risk for pollution prevention and remediation strategies. The application of innovative remedial techniques and new scientific methods is key in order to reach sustainable development. It is therefore crucial to address the existing pollution problems, and protect public health as well as preserve the welfare of the environment.

The application of cost-effective technologies for waste treatment and controls is much needed in order to make possible the implement of appropriate regulatory measures that insure success of broader policy in pollution prevention.

Engineers and scientists working in this field need to be familiar with a wide range of issues including the physical processes of mixing and dispersion, and photochemical and biological developments. Hence, a continuous exchange of information between scientists in different parts of the world is essential.

In recent years, environmental protection has emerged as a requirement that goes beyond the state borders to reach a global dimension. This awareness has resulted in numerous treaties, directives and conventions and even changed the way we do business.

Protection of the environment, one of the pillars of sustainable development, is an absolute priority for the international community. In this context, the 2nd ICIEM conference aims to focus on relevant experiences, up-to-date scientific research and findings carried out all over the world to protect and preserve the environment. In addition, this meeting will allow the exchange of experiences to develop environmental protection strategies and pollution management tools.


The Committee of ICIEM program solicits fundamental or applied research papers on the following topics (not exhaustive): 

· Environmentally sustainable innovative approaches and methods

     Clean technology
     Marine pollution
     Biological and Physicochemical treatment

·  Environmental and Health  Risk Assessment

     Hazard Characterization
     Environmental impact assessment
     Human health Exposure and Risk Assessment

·  Water resources

     Water quality and sustainable use
     Integrated water resources management
        Hydrogeological modelling

·  Pollution Prevention Strategies

     Air Pollution Control
     Water Pollution Prevention
         Soil decontamination

 Publication Committee  

 Abbas Marok, Université Abou Bekr Belkaid Tlemcen, Algérie
 Baghdad Ouddane, Université de Lille, France
 Dominik Faust, Technical University of Dresden, Germany
 Hassan EL HADI, University Hassan II de Casablanca, Marocco
 Mitsuteru Irie, University of Tsukuba, Japan
 Mohamed Ksibi, University of Sfax, Tunisia 
 Mongi Seffen, University of Sousse, Tunisia
 Moomen Baroudi, University of Liban, Liban
 Ragab Ragab, ICID, UK 
 Souad Benromdhane, Environmental Protection Agency, USA

Honorary Chairman
 Hamed Ben Dhia, ENI, Sfax, Tunisia
General Chairman
 Boubakker Elleuch, ENI, Sfax, Tunisia

Important Dates

  • July 16, 2016: Abstract submission
  • August 15, 2016: Acceptance notification
  • September 16, 2016: Full paper submission
  • September 28, 2016: Registration deadline
Visite website

L’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) a depuis la mi mars 2016 lancé un l'appel à candidatures pour les formations ouvertes et à distance (FOAD) 2016-2017.

L'AUF propose 88 formations diplômantes pour la promotion 2016-2017 sur sa plate-forme deFormations ouvertes et à distance (FOAD) :

  • 7 Diplômes Universitaires en Médecine (DU) ;
  • 11 Licences (L3) ;
  • 20 Masters 1 ;
  • 50 Masters  2.
dans les disciplines suivantes :
  • Droit, Économie et Gestion ;
  • Éducation et formation ;
  • Sciences de l’ingénieur ;
  • Médecine ........................ Lire la suite

Amélioration de la qualité et de la gouvernance en faveur de la compétitivité et de l'employabilité du 30 Mai 2016 au 1 Juin2016

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Université Frères Mentouri Constantine 1

Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1 BP, 325 Route de Ain El Bey, Constantine, Algérie, 25017  Téléphone : +213(0)31 81 12 71