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First speakers announced

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First speakers announced

We are pleased to announce our first invited speakers for the 3rd Agriculture and Climate Change Conference to be held 24-26 March 2019 in Budapest, Hungary. Invited speakers include:

Michael DingkuhnCIRAD, France
Tentative presentation title: Stress adaptation, memory, plasticity: Strategic thoughts on improving crops’ coping ability

Dave GustafsonInternational Life Sciences Institute Research Foundation, USA
Tentative presentation title: Use of system performance metrics to improve the efficiency of the food chain

Philip ThorntonInternational Livestock Research Institute, UK
Tentative presentation title: Transforming agri-food systems in lower- and middle-income countries to meet the SDGs

More speakers to be announced shortly.

BE A PART OF THE PROGRAMME - submit abstracts for oral and poster presentations on the conference topics by 22 October 2018.

Submit your abstract here


  • Modelling climate change and its application to agriculture
  • Climate change and increased agricultural uncertainty
  • Abiotic stress
  • Effects of CO2 on plant growth
  • Food security in developing countries
  • Impacts of climate change on nutrition, quality and resource use efficiency
  • Improving the efficiency of the food chain
  • Plant-microbe interactions and climate change
  • Reducing the impact of agriculture on climate change
  • Innovative breeding practices
  • New crops for a new climate

We welcome your participation and look forward to receiving your abstracts.

Conference Chairs
David EdwardsUniversity of Western Australia, Australia (Chair)
Rodomiro OrtizSwedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden (Co-Chair)
Zsuzsanna KolbertUniversity of Szeged, Hungary (Local Co-chair)

>> Scientific Advisory Committee


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Read 11295 times Last modified on jeudi, 28 juin 2018 09:31